Community News

Board Vacancy Notice

The Cumberland Cove Board of Directors is accepting applications for the Board seat vacated by Charles Hesser on November 12th. The application is available on the POA website under “2024 Board of Directors application”. All applicants must be in good standing with the POA to be eligible to serve on the Board (Bylaws Section 7.2.4). Completed applications must be submitted to the POA office by 1:00 pm on December 20, 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted.

A special Board meeting will be held on January 7, 2025, to interview all eligible candidates. This is an executive session meeting with the BOD and candidates only. Candidates must be available to attend this meeting. At its regular monthly meeting on January 14, 2025, the Board anticipates approving a new Director to fill the remainder of Charles Hesser’s term which expires in October 2025.