Community News

The New Years Eve bonfire cancelled

  • 12-30-21

Due to expected stormy weather conditions, the bonfire has been cancelled. Have a wonderful New Year.

New Years Eve Activities Event

  • 12-15-21

The Activities Committee will be hosting a fun event on News Years Eve. Click on the link for details and to sign up.

12/14/21 Open Forum Guidelines

  • 12-12-21

December 14, 2021

The open forum is for our members who have concerns or questions regarding the proposed Guidebook amendments, proposed Covenant amendments and enforcement of both.

The following guidelines have been established:

1. Members who wish to make statements or ask question will have to sign up at the door before the meeting begins. All members who wish to speak will be asked to step up to the podium since this meeting will be recorded for the members section of the website.
2. Members who attend the meeting will be recognized in the order in which they signed up.
3. Members who Zoom, will have to indicate to Bill Cronberger that they wish to address the board.
4. Bill will create a list of members that will be recognized after the members present at the meeting, have had their opportunity.
5. Members will be given three minutes to address the board with statements or questions.
6. No member may yield their time to another member.
7. No member may engage another member or speak over someone who has the floor or out of turn. Anyone who demonstrates hostility, will be asked to leave. We ask that all members remain civil and show respect to one another. The members will be asked to not engage in private conversations while another member has the floor.
8. Time permitting, members who wish to speak a second time will recognized by raising their hand.

Election Committee Membership

  • 12-05-21

The election committee is in need of volunteers. Please contact Deb Wills or Pat Storm if you are interested.

  • 12-02-21

12/14/21 – Board Meeting Cancellation

  • 11-30-21

The Board of Directors have cancelled the regular Board meeting schedule for December 14, 2021. The Board has decided to use this date to have an open forum for the members to bring their concerns and questions to the Board.

Open Forum – 12/14/21 at 6pm.

All members are encouraged to attend.  This meeting will be available via Zoom, will be recorded and posted on the POA Website. If you cannot attend the meeting and would like your questions and concerns addressed, please send an email to the POA email address,, with the subject ‘Open Forum’ or you can simply drop off a letter at the welcome center or place it in the Dropbox on the left side of the entry door.